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News Archive - Scott LaFee

Prostate Cancer and Blood Lipids Share Genetic Links

April 30, 2014

A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in Norway, significantly refines the association, highlighting genetic risk factors associated with low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides as key players and identifying 17 related gene loci that make risk contributions to levels of these blood lipids and to prostate cancer.

Researchers Discover New Genetic Brain Disorder in Humans

April 24, 2014

A newly identified genetic disorder associated with degeneration of the central and peripheral nervous systems in humans, along with the genetic cause, is reported in the April 24, 2014 issue of Cell.

Igor Grant Named Chair of UC San Diego Department of Psychiatry

April 22, 2014

Igor Grant, MD, FRCP(C), an internationally recognized neuropsychiatrist, whose research interests have ranged from the neurobiology of HIV/AIDS and substance abuse, psychobiology of stress, to the therapeutic potential of medicinal cannabis, has been named the new Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

The Ilk of Human Kindness

April 17, 2014

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that older women, plucky individuals and those who have suffered a recent major loss are more likely to be compassionate toward strangers than other older adults.

Mutant Protein in Muscle Linked to Neuromuscular Disorder

April 16, 2014

Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a rare inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. In a new study published in the online issue of Neuron, a team of scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say novel mouse studies indicate that mutant protein levels in muscle cells are fundamentally involved in SBMA, suggesting an alternative and promising new avenue of treatment.

Breaking Bad Mitochondria

April 15, 2014

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a mechanism that explains why people with the hepatitis C virus get liver disease and why the virus is able to persist in the body for so long.

Splice Variants Reveal Connections Among Autism Genes

April 11, 2014

A team of researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has uncovered a new aspect of autism, revealing that proteins involved in autism interact with many more partners than previously known. These interactions had not been detected earlier because they involve alternatively spliced forms of autism genes found in the brain.

For Good and Ill, Immune Response to Cancer Cuts Both Ways

April 7, 2014

The difference between an immune response that kills cancer cells and one that conversely stimulates tumor growth can be as narrow as a “double-edged sword,” report researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine in the April 7, 2014 online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Cancer and the Goldilocks Effect

April 3, 2014

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have found that too little or too much of an enzyme called SRPK1 promotes cancer by disrupting a regulatory event critical for many fundamental cellular processes, including proliferation.

UC San Diego Medical Center Named Among 100 Great Hospitals in U.S.

April 2, 2014

The University of California, San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest has been named one of “100 Great Hospitals in America” by Becker’s Hospital Review, a publishing group that conducts hospital and healthcare news and analyses, which described the honorees as “some of the most prominent, forward-thinking and focused healthcare facilities in the nation.”
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